


吳梅立 (Mary Wu)


辦公室電話:049-2910960 ext. 2541




美國伊利諾大學厄巴納-香檳分校語言學博士 ~1997.10

美國伊利諾大學厄巴納-香檳分校語言學碩士 (~1989.5

美國波特蘭州立大學English: TESOL碩士 (~1986.6

中華人民共和國Shanghai Foreign Languages Institute英文系學士 (~1982.1


2015.8     國立暨南國際大學外國語文學系兼任副教授






Mary A. Wu, 2015, Explicit instruction in English tense and aspect as a structured form-meaning pairing system, English as a Global Language Education (EaGLE) Journal, 1, 2, pp1-30 (peer review).

吳梅立, 2014, 聚焦形義聯結於使用中-結合大學 EFL寫作教學英語的時與體 [Focusing on Form-Meaning Pairing in Context: Teaching/Learning English Tense and Aspect Through College EFL Writing], 國立彰化師範大學英語文暨口筆譯學集刊, 12, 2, pp57-86 (peer review).

Mary A. Wu, 2013, '-s'都到哪裡去了?從語言學與腦神經連接談起 [Where Have All the -s's Gone? From the Perspective of Linguistics and Neural Connections in the Brain], 國立彰化師範大學英語文暨口筆譯學集刊, Vol.10, pp77-100 (peer review).

Mary A. Wu., 1999, A compositional semantics for complex demonstrative noun phrases in Mandarin Chinese, Studies in the Linguistic Sciences, 29, 1, pp87-110 (其他).

Mary A. Wu, 1997, Meaning and form: computing definite and uniqueness readings of complex noun phrases in Mandarin Chinese, Studies in the Linguistic Sciences, 25, 1, pp145-157 (其他).

Mary A. Wu, 1996, Associative phrase revisited, Studies in the Linguistic Sciences, 26, 1/2, pp357-370 (其他).

Mary A. Wu, 1994, Demonstratives, focus, and the interpretation of complex NPs in Mandarin Chinese, Studies in the Linguistic Sciences: Proceedings of the 5th Annual Formal Linguistics Society of Mid-America Conference, ed. by James Yoon, 24, 1/2, pp473-485 (其他).

Mary A. Wu, 1993, Adjectival and determinative measure phrases and NP interpretations in Mandarin Chinese, Studies in the Linguistic Sciences, 23, 2, pp193-212 (其他).


Mary A. Wu, 2012, 注意力與台灣大學生外語(英語)習得中一些常見問題之探討 [On attention and some common errors of college EFL students in Taiwan], 2012 International Conference on English Teaching and Learning, 嘉南藥理科技大學, 2012/10/11-2012/10/12 (其他).

Mary A. Wu, 2009, Giving away a little to gain much more: Designing Moodle exercises for linguistics practice, The 2009 International Conference on Innovation of Teaching and Learning, National Central University, Taiwan, 2009/11/12-2009/11/13 (其他).

Mary A. Wu, 2007, Semantics in the EFL classroom: With special reference to teaching the English Tense and Aspect System, The 2007 International Conference on English Learning and Teaching: Linking Theory with Practice, Chinese Culture University, 2007/08/00 (其他).

Mary A. Wu, 2007, Teaching English tense and aspect: Semantics in context in the EFL classroom, The International Symposium: Applied English Education: Trends, Issues, and Interconnections, I-Shou University, 2007/03/09 (其他).

Mary A. Wu, 1996, Meaning and form: computing definite and uniqueness readings of complex noun phrases in Mandarin , The Symposium on Referential Properties of Chinese Noun Phrases, City University of Hong Kong, 1996/06/24-1996/06/25 (其他).

Mary A. Wu, 1996, Associative phrase revisited, NACCL8, 1996/05/17-1996/05/19 (其他).

Mary A. Wu, 1995, NP-internal focus and contextually relevant sets, ESCOL '95, Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire, 1995/11/03-1995/11/05 (其他).

Mary A. Wu, 1995, Focus, structure, and uniqueness implications of the NPwith special reference to complex NPs in Mandarin Chinese, The Workshop on Focus, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1995/12/08-1995/12/10 (其他).

Mary A. Wu, 1995, Representing definiteness in non-article-bearing languages: NP internal word order in Mandarin Chinese and Finnish, ICCL-4/NACCL-7 1995, The University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1995/06/27-1995/06/30 (其他).

Mary A. Wu, 1995, Representing definiteness in non-article-bearing languages: NP internal word order in Mandarin Chinese and Finnish, The joint meeting of the 4th International Conference on Chinese Linguistics and the 7th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics, The University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1995/06/27-1995/06/30 (其他).

Mary A. Wu, 1994, Demonstratives, focus, and the interpretation of complex NPs in Mandarin Chinese, The 5th Annual Formal Linguistics Society of Mid-America Conference, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1994/05/20-1994/05/22 (其他).

Mary A. Wu, 1994, Focus, demonstratives, and exclusive readings of complex NPs in Mandarin Chinese, The Linguistics Seminar at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1994/03/03 (其他).

Mary A. Wu, 1993, Adjectival and determinative measure phrases and NP interpretations in Mandarin Chinese, The 5th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics, University of Delaware, 1993/05/14-1993/05/16 (其他).

Mary A. Wu, 1991, Existentiality, (in)definiteness, and existential you constructions in Mandarin Chinese, The 3rd North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics, Cornell University, 1991/05/03-1991/05/05 (其他).

Mary A. Wu, 1984, The order of ing forms in attributive position, The 6th Annual TESOL Summer Meeting, Corvallis, OR, USA, 1984/07/13-1984/07/14 (其他).

Mary A. Wu, 1984, Computer simulation and ESL reading, The 6th Annual TESOL Summer Meeting, Corvallis, OR, USA, 1984/07/13-1984/07/14 (其他).


Mary A. Wu (2013). Innovations in Theory and Practice: Selected Papers from the 2012 Chia Nan University International Conference on English Teaching and Learning, Department of Applied Foreign Languages, Chia Nan University of Pharmacy & Science, Tainan, R.O.C., 978-986-318-110-1, 2013/04.

Mary A. Wu (2009). 2009年教學創新國際研討會 International Conference on Innovation of Teaching and Learning (ICILT 2009) 論文集, 978-986-82709-2-3, 2009/11.

Mary A. Wu (2007). Applied English Education: Trends and Issues, Department of Applied English, I-Shou University, Kaohsiung County, Taiwan, 978-986-83716-1-3, 2007/11.

Mary A. Wu (2006). Language and Linguistics Monograph Series Number W-7, On and Off Work: Festschrift in Honor of Professor Chin-Chun Cheng on His 70th Birthday, Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, 978-986-00-6785-9, 2006/10.

Mary A. Wu (1997). Interpreting Complex Noun Phrases in Mandarin Chinese, UMI, 1997/00.


Mary A. Wu. 1984. Computer simulation and ESL reading, paper presented at the 6th Annual TESOL Summer Meeting, Corvallis, OR, July 13-14, 1984. Available in the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (ED248724).








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